The first thing requires more explanation - why is something used by others, (in which community?), important to be "done"? If they use it, it means even in an unfinished state it's fine to use already. You can almost always work more on something, add more stuff, but at one point it always stops, so why does it matter if it's earlier or later?
And the second thing is a tautology... "Why is it bad? Because I don't like it", yes, I got that already, but why don't you like it :D
I can't really go into to much detail without getting too public about my identity.
As far as always wanting to finish goes I mostly follow the advise of a family friend who died when I was fairly young. He said that he rarely managed to get anything done because he jumped from interest to interest. His estate was full of tons of random things and a few decades worth of side projects that he always said he would come back to.
It sounds like the family friend got to experience dozens of different things that excited him, and didn't let a self-punishing sense of obligation force him to waste his precious time on the earth, choosing (whether he realised it or not) to move onto learning and enjoying more.
The problem was that we was trying to lots of different things all at the same time. There is nothing wrong with trying new things. You just need to move on with the old projects. It is totally fine to have a few long term things but it can get out of control.