Weirdest part to me is that I really can't believe that he's drinking Diet Coke and not regular Coke. I know there's concerns about diet sodas, but that shows a concern about his health and what he puts in his body that I never imagined Trump was capable of.
Naw, I think it's because he specifically enjoys diet coke more. If I want a soda, it's diet coke or nothing. I'm in good health, but diet coke tastes great while regular coke almost makes me feel ill from the thick syrup.
Same. The only thing that calms the beast that lives in my soul is the sweet embrace of aspartame. I cant even really drink mixed drinks with non diet soda. Sugar Free Redbull and Vodka just hits so good.
Not trying to defend the taste. I hate the taste of diet coke myself, but I don't know what it is about that diet soda specifically. I have met many people in real life and through the internet that just fucking LOVE diet coke. Idk why, but they drink 3-5 cans a day. I am working with one now that had to stop drinking for health reasons and she was talking about how she missed the taste a couple weeks ago.
People just love getting addicted to shit. We are all guilty of it. We equate the dopamine rush with actual enjoyment of things. I'm not sure I actually like anything, so much as it's my brain tricking me.
This is a little tongue in cheek, but also a little not.