China mastered copying things well. A five pack of replacement knobs that actually match is $34 on Amazon. A crappy homemade knob for a $4000+ range is crazy.
China has also mastered modern slave labor. That someone makes thier own replacement instead of ordering some small uncomplicated part from across the globe isn't crazy, it's self-reliant and smart.
Oh I would go for the OEM part ten times out of ten, especially for such a nice appliance. Instead this person opted to make some plastic waste that will eventually be in the Ocean after we are all long dead.
Completely agree that Amazon garbage is terrible for humanity
I have a hunch that those knobs are just a thin sheet of metal wrapped around a piece of plastic, which would explain why one of the knobs broke off in the first place.
The knobs are "brushed stainless" plated plastic with plastic parts inside. It's possible Bosch is using higher quality materials, but this is the standard Bosch range knob that goes on all of their ranges, so I suspect it's made down to a price. They're injection molded parts that cost about a quarter a piece including parts and labor.
The important parts of the knob are all inside the range. But still can cost as little as about 10 bucks for an OEM part and 15 minutes of repair work if one of those should break.
Makes enough sense. My point was that either printing a replacement or getting the OEM part will use about the same amount of plastic, assuming the printing only takes one attempt.
It goes farther than that! The 34$ 5 pack is only that price because its already here in america to be shipped in a day or two. It came from china, where you can order the same thing for 1-5% of the price if you are willing to wait a month to receive it.
I was gonna removed about it too but the cheaper Bosch ranges use the same knobs. It's an off the shelf part that Bosch is charging a ridiculous premium for.