I feel like my bits are ALWAYS CLEAN now, unless I poo away from home. It’s incredible. My partner and I have gotten REEEEAL lax on showering on weeks we both work from home…
North Americans are not ready for this. Showed a neighbour my bidet when they toured my house and they were absolutely appalled by the bidet attachment.
“How unsanitary! Shit just flown around everywhere! I wouldn’t want that dirty water anywhere near me. I’ll stick to my toilet paper thank you very much “
Absolutely 100%. I tried explaining that the water inlet to the toilet diverges and is used to supply the bidet attachment but they weren’t having any of it.
To be honest though, growing up I was taught this too. That bidet is super unhygienic because you wash your ass with shit water. Remember seeing a charmin commercial too and it was like “bidet? Let’s join the 21st century!” Or something like that. I was like 6 🤷
I will when they invent one that sprays soapy water. Washing your ass without soap is like washing your hands without soap. I rather just hop in the shower and use the detachable sprayer head.
I must admit that i often donwash my hands with no soap. Its still better than not washing and in regard to the bidet, water is still a lot better than paper.
You could always keep a hands free soap dispenser at hand though
Technically this wouldn't be that hard to do you could get one of those garden hose soap attachments and attach it to the water hose for the bidet and simply fill it with whatever body hand soap whatever you want.
And you would be able to toggle the soap on and off on the little bottle I kind of want to try this with mine now