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Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 electricity mix, with solar contributing 14%

The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Fraunhofer ISE) reports that Germany generated 72.2 TWh of solar in Germany in 2024, accounting for 14% of total electricity generation.


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  • By that standard you'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming towards energy transition

    That's highly ironic since I'm apparently the only one who actually would support drastic climate action while everyone else votes for the comfortable fascists that push for coal because their fucking eggs are too expensive.

    Whatever, I'm done with this species. It's clear that you all want this to happen so who the fuck am I to stop you all from jumping from the cliff.

    • So it was nihilism, then.

      Look, I hate to break it to you, but you're not that special. You're not the only one who "gets it" and you don't get to be done with the species.

      You will have a much easier time at it if you at least try to factor in the concept of the issue being complex and ongoing as opposed to building your entire online footprint around the idea that we could fix this by flipping a switch if we were all committed enough. Not only that, but it would also be a lot more productive in terms of helping promote better outcomes instead of serving as a useful scapegoat for some fashy troll to show how all climate activists are emo kids or something.

      Which is not to say that drastic, sometimes painful action won't be needed. Alongside, I'm afraid, significant unavoidable human and economic cost from checks that we've already cashed in.

      • No, stop the mental gymnastics to make yourself feel better.

        The downturn and consequent emissions drop during the pandemic very clearly showed that it is indeed that simple if we're all committed enough. Because that trajectory, if we would've kept it up until 2035, would've pretty much exactly landed us on our emission targets for that date.

        The truth of the matter is that no one is ready for that, not corpos, not politicians who want to get (re-)elected, and sure as hell not voters - that much is very clear.

        And to be clear, I have a much easier time since I stopped caring. I do my part and that's it, so that at least my conscience remains clean. But if humanity collectively wants to erase itself then be my guest. I'm not stopping you, because I simply can't. And how people act nowadays I am not even sure I want to.

        • You think the pandemic shutdown was simple?

          I mean, man, I am more of an introvert, too, but... yeah, I'm gonna say "humanity isn't willing to transition to Covid rules permanently as a matter of climate change policy" is not the rhetorical killing blow you think it is.

          You can't enact global behavioral changes as solutions to economic problems. That's the kind of adolescent social media thought process that ends with retirees radicalized into fascism. "If everybody agreed with me this would not be a problem" is not how large scale policy shifts happen.

          On the plus side, you not quite grasping this is far less problematic than Elon Musk not grasping this, but the underlying issue is pretty much the same.

          • You think the pandemic shutdown was simple?

            Compared to the consequences that await us? Yes.

            I don't know what you being an introvert has to do with this, or why you feel the need to constantly push those thin veiled, passive aggressive insults around. It's not a matter of you sitting at home instead of socializing, it's a matter of degrowth. Our economic model does not work. Our mode of transportation do not work. Our consumerism does not work. Our constant need for growth, does not work!

            And if you haven't noticed it yet, fascism is already on the rise, and will grow further the more climate refugees knock on our doors. But I guess when Frontex ends up shooting them in the thousands at the borders you'll just acknowledge that with mild interest as well.

            People like you are quite literally proving my point and just reaffirm my stance. You all don't care, and you do not understand where we're headed.

            • Yes, we do, you wonderful unique genius of an angsty fifteen year old.

              It's not that hard to understand, you are not possessed of a unique insight that somehow has eluded every economist on the planet.

              You just haven't figured out that getting angy on the Internet about how everybody is dumb is not the game changer you think it is. Turns out meaningfully altering the collective behavior of eight billion people, each with their own individual set of incentives, is less responsive to an earnestly worded social media post that one may think.

              Also, you may have to be more specific about who "we" is supposed to be. Whose economic model are we talking about? Everybody's? Just how much granularity are you considering here, if any at all?