I'm so excited for this to officially release. As soon as plasma bigscreen is ready and waydroid has an android tv build, I'll probably replace my nvidia shield.
bc there are a lot of android tv apps that are fantastic that don't have ready alternatives on Linux for htpc usage. Clipious comes to mind, for instance. Having android tv apps available through Waydroid bridges the gap in functionality until native alternatives can replace them.
If you go in the add-ons you can download themes that completely change the UI. They can also be heavily customized.
Useless menus can just be removed.
Bigscreen is a new project to my understanding, I would like it to be a thing cause it would fill a nice niche for me that I'm overblowing with Kodi. Kodi is really nice but it feels a little laggy for my system. Maybe I need to tune it for my system.
I think i use Artic: Zephyr - Reloaded on a N95 miniPC. It was bad on Kodi 20, on 21 it feels snappier, tho i feel theres still improvements to be made. The skin however made a huge difference. I dunno why they dont have nice sane defaults
Kodi (LibreELEC) was running rough on an old i5 4160 or something, when installed on an SD card. It also runs a little sluggish when installed on a Chromebook.
But I went back to that first PC with a real SSD and now kodi is running fantastic. On a fedora kinoite install
And paired with some commands for KDE Connect, and I'm pretty satisfied so far. It's been about four days with it.
I have it on a miniPC. It shouldnt have IO or compute issues for what its doing. It feels like it could be a little faster? maybe im expecting too much as well. I also know its tuned for low resource devices, so maybe i could tune it for mine
I’ve tried this on several different devices over the past year and all I can say is it’s not ready. It feels like alpha software, with many buttons and menus nonfunctional and frequent issues with windows disappearing and compositor crashing. Tried on Xorg and Wayland, as well as builds on ARM and x86
I love what they’re shooting for with it, if it was more reliable I’d switch to it in a heartbeat. It gives much more of a general Linux for TV experience than Kodi, which is more focused on being a media player, and that’s what I want personally.
I used Kodi, then LibreELEC then now "just" VLC (booting to it via https://f-droid.org/en/packages/news.androidtv.launchonboot/ rather than home screen) as my content is on my home server relying on DLNA. So... I'm familiar with LibreELEC but isn't it a Linux distribution? Can it be installed on the device itself (not using HDMI) and if so, how?
I assumed libelec is just enough os to load something up to be low resource. I've used it for kodi before. Now I just compile it on slackware. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Right, but to clarify because maybe we aren't talking about the same thing here, the Nebulas Mars II Pro isn't an SBC, it's an Android device (video projector here). So it has to be rooted and install a custom ROM. Are you saying it's available or know how to make one? Because, again, I'd be eager to try, but it's not the same process, AFAIK, as installing Slack, LibreElec or whatever on a RPi or dekstop.