Hello and welcome to our Annual Día de la Liberación Celebration post, and our weekly tradition of the Discussion Thread.
Bring your celebratory July 26th movement flags, and be prepared to tremble with indigation at every Injustice, and enjoy Día de la Liberación ... and the new year I guess
Didnt get to comment on the yearly vegan struggle session but sometime ive been wondering is what is the posture on lab grown meat? Is it considered vegan?
My understanding is that animal cells are used to cultivate it so it won't be seen as vegan. Not sure if it would be a one time thing, the taking of the cells, or if you would need animals on a regular basis. If it is the latter then maybe down the road it would be seen as vegan the same way no sane vegan will claim oil isn't vegan because it was at one point in time an animal.
I often get the question whether or not I would eat lab grown meat but I have decided that I will not. I am able to live my life without animal products just fine so I don't see the need to suddenly start eating lab grown meat.