Why, do the details make Israel look good? Is there a reason to shy away from having a meaningful discussion or is it better to hide behind memes and catchphrases
They don't. And you're the one calling everything buzzwords, memes and catchphrases now.
Whats amazing is wanting to go into the history when that makes Israel look even worse. But you do you
Finally going through your comment history I see you're nothing but a constrain. There's nothing productive from further discussion. Have a great holiday
Par for the course. Searching for specifics or facts of a matter is not being a contrarian. It's called doing due diligence without letting bias cloud your view. We all have narratives we wish to paint. But unfortunately reality is more complicated than yapping online about how Nazzi or not Israel is. That's the difference between online virtue signaling and someone who is interested in pursuing the truth.
Notice how you can only engage at a superficial level with the topic? My money is you can't even locate Israel on a map at this point. But thanks for having an opinion on the subject. I'm not surprised as this has been the most you can get talking anything related to geopolitics on this platform.
It's impressive how much of an opinion on a topic people can have despite not knowing jack shit. But for some reason the onus is always on the rest of us to hold your hand. And if we get into the specifics of something suddenly we're 'contrarian'.
Israel is committing genocide for sure but don't kid yourself in the narrative that hamas is some noble liberation army. It's clear you're not equipped to talk about any of this.