Asus bombards Windows 11 with christmas.exe malware-like Christmas wreath banner
Asus bombards Windows 11 with christmas.exe malware-like Christmas wreath banner
The Christmas.exe in Task Manager and the Christmas theme wreath banner that covers half of your screen on Windows 11 are not malware.
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oo1 "do not panic – your device is not compromised."
meme(always has been)
59 1 Replyzerofk There is nothing wrong with your device. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We control the horizontal. We control the vertical.
23 0 Replyumbraroze ...We control the treble, and all your bass belongs to us too.
/incredibly ancient joke
19 1 ReplyYttra If you think the zoomers don't know about Zero Wing you got another thing coming, buster 😎
5 0 Reply
SynopsisTantilize I suddenly have the UHF theme song stuck in my head. We gonna make a couch potatah outta you!
2 0 Reply
reksas if someone not you installing crap you dont want isn't compromised then i dont what is
22 0 Reply