If by PA you mean Palestinian Authority, while they seem to have been spineless, how is Hamas taking foreign civilian hostages with no dog in the race promote Palestinian cause? What is your opinion on October 7 attack?
You claimed Hamas support two state solution, but then posted a link that directly contradict what you said (why do people post links they don't read and turns out it contradict what they say?) Now you redirect the conversation asking what two state solution had done to PA. While PA had been spineless, they did not kill civilians. Now, it sounds like you are misdirecting by trying to paint Hamas as pro-two state solution, but contradicted what you just said by posting a link that contradicted what you claim. Hamas is clearly anti-Israel and against two state solution, and it seems to me that you are too. Then now, does that mean you support October 7 attack?
I answered the question already. While PA have been spineless, they did not kill civilians. But you and your ilk then seem to wilfully ignore what Hamas did to civilians. Now answer me, do you and the other guy support Hamas' October 7 attack? Have other independence movements in other places killed civilians? By supporting Hamas, do you and the other guy don't support two state solution in essence and do not recognise Israel's right to exist?
I do not condone the actions of October 7. But I'm not deluding myself into thinking there was another way. How would you tell the Palestinians to struggle for their freedom from occupation and violence? Just in 2018/19, during the Great March of Return, thousands peacefully marched in protest, reminiscent of the civil rights movement or Ghandi's protests, to demand the displaced Palestinians be allowed to return. They were gunned down in the hundreds.
Are you asking Palestinians to just lay down and die?