Flu surges in Louisiana as health department barred from promoting flu shots
Flu surges in Louisiana as health department barred from promoting flu shots
Flu is rising around the country, but Louisiana is well ahead of the curve.
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I really don't understand the actual party pushing these conspiracies
Surely they're just gonna disproportionately kill off their voters?
Yes, but not immediately, and before then there's profit to be extracted!
Yes, we all do better when we all do better in the long run. But they want to do even more better for themselves now. Because they know how delayed the find out part of them fucking around can be. They'll likely be dead. And it might be their children's problem. But it certainly won't be theirs.
But that's even more confusing. What profit is to be made from a bunch of people getting the flu? It makes people miss work and it kills people. Who is pushing this? Big Nyquil?
No, your healthcare is tied to your job, so you can't miss work. If you're sick, you can't risk losing your job.
But yeah, on a smaller scale, disease is profitable. I'm not saying "they don't cure cancer because it's more profitable to treat" (cancer is a group of diseases with no magic bullet), but it's significantly less effort to sell nyquil than to produce an actual pharmaceutical cure for the common cold.
I think they might actually believe what they are saying even though all the facts suggest otherwise
I honestly think southern states haven't shaken off the notion of mudsill theory.
They might not call it that anymore, but god damn does their entire platform seem to push it.
i’m getting increasingly convinced by the argument that goes as follows. for the past several decades, the republican party was composed of people who gave tax breaks to all their wealthy friends and fucked over the working class, but those people knew those positions would be wildly unpopular so they used the culture war bullshit as a distraction. and it worked. the culture war bullshit ended up being super popular with their base. but now, their previously young base that bought into that nonsense has grown up, and they have internalized all of it. this generation of republicans fully believes all the nonsense they’ve been fed for the past 40 years. or at the very least, they are competing with people who legitimately believe it, so they need to put on a convincing performance.
If the poors are sick and in medical debt, they're easier to exploit. People who are hungry will accept whatever job provides for them. People who are afraid will let you take away their liberties in exchange for a (false) feeling of security.