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What if I come close to finishing it just to add more work?
What worked for me was to have someone hold me accountable for missing work
8 0 Replyfrickineh Hmm that might be why I'm fine at my actual job but awful at doing anything productive at home. I told my coworker I needed someone to come "help" me by basically sitting in my living room judging all the laundry piles. Like, just come over and talk shit and redirect me when I get distracted every 12 seconds.
5 0 ReplyOmegaLemmy
I also enjoy the task when I'm involved so I both loved my workplace, had fun, did productive shit and earned a wage
Working at home is hell for me, Starbucks is the next best place in the stead of a workplace
1 0 Reply
Can you be my accountability?
2 0 ReplyOmegaLemmy
I... Do work exhibitionism...
I go to Starbucks, most vulnerable spot, preferably inside
it works.
3 0 Replypemptago This is a great idea and I was excited until I remembered how hard it is to think deeply while my anxious mind tries to register everything around it.
1 0 Replytryagain I suddenly have an idea for a really boring twitch stream...
1 0 Reply