It just means we didn't want orange Hitler act 2. Ds aren't good but they're objectively better than any R. I do what I want in the primary then what I must in the general. If you can't get behind that well... here's 2025 hope one of y'all can shelter me when the new gestapo comes around.
It just means we didn't want orange Hitler act 2. Ds aren't good but they're objectively better than any R. I do what I want in the primary then what I must in the general
No, that part is self evident. Everyone sane and not the victim of intense brainwashing agrees on that.
Where we differ is your false framing.
To pretend that you either support one side unconditionally and never criticize ANYTHING about it no matter what or you're on the other side is absolute lunacy. That or deliberate gaslighting.
If you can't get behind that well
Again with that stupid false dichotomy strawman combo 🤦
Arrogance and obstinate refusal to listen like that from the Dem leadership and obsequious serfs like you is how the fascists won.
Ah the part where you pretend screaming GeNoCiDe for a year and pretended Trump being worse was irrelevant had no effect on elections. I'm sure that of the record number who stayed home, none did it because of the GeNoCiDe frauds.
Yeah, because being at all critical about active complicity in the worst crimes against humanity possible is the same as advocating for fascism! 🤦
and pretended Trump being worse was irrelevant
Yet another strawman. I did no such thing at any point.
I'm sure that of the record number who stayed home, none did it because of the GeNoCiDe frauds.
And I'm equally sure that nobody stayed home because even the lesser evil refused to listen to the vast majority of the people they're supposed to represent. That's not at ALL something that could suppress voter participation! 🙄
Yeah, because being at all critical about active complicity in the worst crimes against humanity possible is the same as advocating for fascism!
It's called marketing. There's a time and a place for criticism, a close race between bad and worse is not that time, online leftist spaces are not that place. Every leftist voter who chooses to abstain contributes to the fascists' margin.
And I'm equally sure that nobody stayed home because even the lesser evil refused to listen to the vast majority of the people they're supposed to represent. That's not at ALL something that could suppress voter participation
The difference is that you don't control the DNC's strategy, you do control your actions.
There's a time and a place for criticism, a close race between bad and worse is not that time,
The only reason why the two overlapped at all was because the ones aiding and abetting genocide have been refusing to even acknowledge any wrongdoing for over a year!
A blindingly obvious example of this "not listening to their base" problem I mentioned.
online leftist spaces are not that place
Where else would you suggest?
Far right places like Truth social where everyone will agree for the wrong reasons, wrongly thinking that it's about making sure that Trump wins?
"Centrist" places where everyone will automatically disagree, wrongly thinking that it's about making sure that Trump wins?
Just admit that there's no time and no place where you would actually take constructive criticism from the left seriously and pretending that there is is a pretense for making people sit down and shut up.
Every leftist voter who chooses to abstain contributes to the fascists' margin.
Again with the classics bootlicker role reversal.
It's the job of politicians to earn the confidence and thus the votes of the people.
It's NOT the job of the people to meekly go along with politicians with ethically and morally compromised politicians with bad ideas unquestioningly, even IF they're still the least bad option.
The politicians failed the people, not the other way around.
The difference is that you don't control the DNC's strategy, you do control your actions.
The irony of telling the that I'm only allowed to voice dissent at specific times and places where it would be ignored and then saying I'm in control 🤦
Newsflash: the people is SUPPOSED to control the DNC's strategy! They're public servants paid through public means to enact the will of the people FFS! That's literally what they're there for!
What's supposed to happen and what happens are two extremely different things. Only fools make plans based on what's supposed to happen. The rest of us plan our actions based on the flawed reality we live in.
You're "allowed" to do whatever you want. I'm just telling you it's counterproductive. You are allowed to be counterproductive, it's just a stupid thing to do.
You are allowed to be counterproductive, it's just a stupid thing to do.
Such as insisting on doing a bunch of reprehensible things that your base hates while you're running for public office?
It's amazing how you keep holding the meaningful actions of the most powerful people in the most powerful country in the world to a much lower standard of responsibility than me, a regular poor person, expressing a reasonable opinion.
Sure, that's what it is, because people said we should vote for Biden instead of hold him to a high standard while ignoring Trump acting like neo-Hitler.
it is in fact possible to vote for someone without holding them blameless no matter what they do or don't do.
LMAO and yet you started this thread ranting about how if someone ever pushed back on you, it means they are fully intolerant of ANY criticism of ANY Democrat, ever.
you started this thread ranting about how if someone ever pushed back on you, it means they are fully intolerant of ANY criticism of ANY Democrat, ever.
Nope, sure didn't. That's just you projecting.
I can explain it for you, and I have, but I can't understand it for you. Have the day you deserve.
All anyone has to do is scroll up to be reminded. You claimed your "enemy" is entirely incapable of nuance and in the way you did so, proved you aren't.
I was employing obvious hyperbole to make a point. That you chose to take it literally in spite of that in order to build yet another strawman is on you.
Thanks for the weird threat to my day tho?
Wishes aren't threats. If I was powerful enough to wish things into existence, Trump would never have become president and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Now go bother someone else with your bad faith nonsense.