Why? Your point is a red herring either way. The scale of destruction when two nation states fight a dug in war is different from a nation state suppressing a regional separatist movement? Premise granted. So?
Just let me know when we can go back to the original argument
You're claiming 10 years of bombardment. That should somehow show, no?
What was your original point again? Ukr massive brutal arty fires that leave no trace, they fact that... they did not pay pensions to people in territories occupied by Russia? Or the bullshit about Russian being illegal, which it is not?
Oh no, I think it was your argument that the death of two shitheads at the hands of other nationalist shitheads justifies this war, and daily civilian death from Rus arty. Sure, sounds like any reasonable argument from me could help here...
Oh no, sorry, that's Russias work few kilometers north. So what about any evidence? You guys are just a cult aren't you? You don't even have anything to use as a proof other than a lie you've heard so many times you believed it?
OAS are liars? They're your guys, western stooges - and even they admit there were tens of thousands of ceasefire violations with explosive ordinance against Donetsk
Told you, I'm not into your sect's lore, you have to drop a link or I've no idea what you're talking about. And still if there were thousands of rounds, it should be very clearly visible wouldn't it? Why cant any of you produce a single image that would showcase it like the one above?