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javasux Me and my friends eating anywhere but Burger King because we care about how food tastes
66 6 ReplyIrateAnteater Pretty sure the comparison here is between McDonald's and Burger King, so good food is already out of the question before the conversation even started.
63 0 Replyhate2bme If you eat fast food you do not care how good tastes
20 3 Replyjavasux idk I think Wendy's is pretty good
6 1 Replyanarchrist Yeah but you gotta warn a person before you hand them a square burger or you might get popped
4 1 Reply
felykiosa Bk is pretty good.
10 0 Replyshoop Bk breakfast is pretty tasty. Oily and bad for you? Absolutely. Still slaps though.
4 0 ReplyBen Hur Horse Race it is, just maybe 4 times a year or so. these people are monsters
2 0 Replyfelykiosa I agree, like an extra not an every week thing
2 0 Reply
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