It goes much further back than Pres. Obama's first term. Dems have always virtue-signaled for at least the last 30-40 years, and then blamed the repubs when something they promised doesn't go through, even when they're a majority. All the while insider-trading themselves to profitability. A handful of them stand up for the party's purported ideals, which is just enough to make it seem the party might care. It's all a sham.
That being said, Pres. Biden's administration did an admirable job cleaning up the mess left behind by Orange Man 1.0 when entire offices were devoid of employees, paper trails, documentation, state. They took too long to appoint an FCC chair, however, and didn't even attempt to find a way to fix the DeJoy post office problem (which arguably would have been difficult.)
But then, now, dems seemingly have been silent about the results of the election. They're acting like the police did in 2020 after George Floyd's death and silent-quit. One would like to hope they are attempting to do anything to ensure as little damage to the country takes place in the next 4+ years as possible, but, in a messaging vacuum, Occam's Razor should apply, and they're likely doing nothing.
So many states have questionable voting security, and it'd be comparatively easy for a relatively smart person to inject temporary code patches on tallying machines, provided they could get the necessary signing certs (if the companies even cryptographically sign their code). It would only take a simple binary patch to execute only on a certain day/time to flip arbitrary votes, and otherwise never. Especially if that Starlink at swing locations thing was true, it could reroute DNS requests when the machines are online for updates, send them to some other IP address to download what looks like a valid patch to inject the sleeper code. (Completely speculation here, no actual evidence, and many pieces would be needed to get through a "trusted" system like the web certs as well, but man would I want to play with one of those machines and 100 ballots for a weekend.) It'd ostensibly be a 100% hands-off process and those "secured" locked down machines would do the dirty work themselves.
If VW can figure out how to cheat emissions tests and otherwise act "normal", flipping a vote bit is babytown frolics.
That's probably the most disappointing thing about all of this, learning that most of those in governance really don't want to try.