His threat was directed at countries in the so-called BRIC alliance, which consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.
His threat was directed at countries in the so-called BRIC alliance, which consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.
I think there's an argument for what Trump is saying. Tariffs mean that Americans will chose product alternatives that don't have those tariffs attatched. Possibly from other countries outside of BRICS.
IT also gives him leverage in negotiations (eg. He can offer to life the tariffs)... And gives him a way to appear to improve the economy ("oh look, things got cheaper and spending accelerated because I lifted my tariffs, ergo I'm good at economic management").
Like, are you for real? Trump doesn't have the slightest fucking clue; and as far as what Trump is saying:
You're so full of shit. Like, seriously, tell me what Trump was saying? Dementia Patient in Chief doesn't even know, so wow, you must be pretty smart.... Or you know, maybe not.
The election result is a very touchy and emotional subject for most Americans. On the left and on the right.
Ironically the right are less destabilized by their emotions. The left are the ones shaken and unable to recover even to discuss what's going on.
That's a problem. That's part of the loss. It's understandable it's why he won (there was an emotional game played on the left and right by Trump's campaign). Which is a slightly different topic than why the establishment dems lost. But both pertain to an very emotional election.
...so I understand you are rendered incapable as far as discussing these things. Your emotions are understandable. Someone in power is finally being open about selling your democracy, your rights, to fascists. That would be upsetting.
But that's got little to do with me being able to see how his tariff plan benefits him. Nor does being able to see what he's doing make me "full of shit".
But I understand it's rightfully a sore point for any American who is a reasonably intelligent person.
I didn't say prices wouldn't go up. Byt I don't think someone like him worries or cares about how much people will have to pay to replace their washing machines. Do you think he cares about that?
No of course he doesn't care as it doesn't affect him. He is rich and don't give a single fuck about anyone but himself. The whole giving him a chance to negotiate is also BS. China and other countries will never pay these tarrifs and therefore it will be more expensive because the cost will be higher for the end consumer
The do pay if their are products of the same type, eg. one is Chinese with the tarrifs priced in, the other from a country without that tariff on it. Consumers will choose the cheaper option over the Chinese tarrifed version (resulting in less sales).
Producers in china then report lower sales in the American market, putting pressure on their government.
So although the cost is theoretically paid by consumers it is still a form of pressure (depressed sales) on the producer. That's what I meant in seeing it as a possible negotiating tool.
The left/right political narrative is elsewhere though, not in a place that is about investigating these angles of understanding. That's okay. I accept that.
That's a different topic with various factors involved... But generally pricing someone out can keep a competitor off shelves. Most companies want to secure marketshare.
This is not the same as what happened during covid, which effected the whole of the domestic market at once. Obviously tariffs on specific importants is a different effect than that.
No, that's the point. Both the less exspensive and the exspensive products will go up in price because of this. Just look at what happened with washing machines under Trumps first period. They went way up in price and drying machines did also go up in price. This will happen to most products in general if these tolls will be implemented. China will never pay for these tarrifs and the consumers will be the ones that has to.
China pays in the form of making less sales/exports.
....and no, prices of Cars can't be blamed on tariffs on washing machines. Nor can market rules be derived from "what happened under Trump". COVID global supply shortages also happened under Trump.
The choice to remove his tariff. To clarify I'm not saying there's an argument it's a good thing, I'm saying I can see his (self-interested) logic.
Of course I also understand people aren't able to look at his ideas yet, as post election hatred is still high, and should continue as such as he is a hyper capitalist willing to sell America to internal fascists (and probably some parts of it to external fascists too).
If Tramp goes through with his original plan on applying a minimum of 20% tarrifs to all imports, there are exactly zero choices.
Consumers eat the 20% price for imports, and local manufacturers raise their prices to match because they no longer have any competition at their old price point. To make it worse, wherever domestic production isn't able to meet demand, products will still have to be imported.