If 6.1% real growth in household expenditure is bad enough to need a "restarting of the economy" and "rebalancing" then where the fuck does that put the west? Like it's one thing to put a neoliberal spin on things, it's another to simply talk about phantasms. I know that neolib standards were low, but not this low.
The only stats this mf quotes in the entire video are of a single data point from a single province.
Also, I shouldn't have to explain this, but obviously economic growth is driven by technological innovations (and increasing the people's access to existing innovations). Guy accuses tech investments for being unsustainable. His solution to increasing Chinese GDP "sustainably"? "Rebalance the economy". Surely that's something that can be done over and over again, right? We know because the great overlords of our great society come out with new "business model innovations" on a monthly basis.
I find it somewhat humorous as well how the whole economic and geopolitical strategy of the CPC is boiled down to "Xi said". Lol ok.
Edit: He mentions the cost of the bridge. He does get it wrong by 3 orders of magnitude, making it seem as if the bridge cost 140 billion dollars (which would make it almost 66% of china's military budget lmao.
Hell, I'd also argue these guys are disconnected from reality. TL:DR blasts China for building bridges in Guizhou and says that the people there are "too poor" to justify such an investment. However, he does not make the connection that Guizhou's poverty is connected to its isolation due to the various mountains. Even if you were to "stimulate consumption" in Guizhou, how would those goods and services make their way into or out of Guizhou en masse? Will they magically teleport past all the treacherous terrain? How will people easily get in and out of the province for work? health? or education?
Not only that, he blatantly lies in the video, claiming that the Duge bridge cost 1 Trillion Yuan to build, but I can't find any source that says that. Most sources say that the bridge costs 1 Billion Yuan, not 1 Trillion Yuan.
tldr: TLDR "news" (and others like him) are disconnected from reality, lack basic empathy (le people are too poor to justify the bridges), and are full bags of shit.
Even if you were to “stimulate consumption” in Guizhou, how would those goods and services make their way into or out of Guizhou en masse?
Money. Don't you know, numbers on a computer screen and pieces of paper have supernatural creative ability as long as we all collectively decide to believe in their power.
Most sources say that the bridge costs 1 Billion Yuan, not 1 Trillion Yuan.
I think this is a giveaway that the dude behind the channel is not fromt he US but from a non-english speaking country.
For example in german we have slightly different terms for those numerical categories.
In english it's million(7 digits) -> billion(10 digits) -> trillion(13 digits) and so on.
In german it's millionen(7 digits)->milliarden(10 digits)->billionen(13 digits)->billiarden(16 digits)-> trillionen(17 digits)-> trilliarden(20 digits) and so on.
Because of the phonetical similarities, mixups can easily happen in translation. Dude is not only stupid, he also loves doxing himself.
Interesting. I would also point out that he claimed that the Duge bridge cost 1 trillion months ago from his older videos on China. So all this time, none of his audience pointed out that error 🤦
The indoctrination trick here is to claim that the will of the people is the will of one person and that the will of some racist Western European diaspora is the will of the colonized people of color to maintain slogan democracy of Pax Americana.