Do you do any simple experiments? Or track things and analyse them?
Recently downloaded the phyphox from F-Droid and thought about this while thinking about what all stuff I could do with it.
Are there any online resources about such stuff?
What all things have you(or people you know, in your locality etc) done along that line?
And not only big thigs, if you're tracking other stuff, please do share your experience on that too.
I experiment with everything all the time. Try new approaches to things, see what worked and didn’t, adjust and try again. Cooking, exercise, social interactions, lovemaking, if I can evaluate it I run little informal experiments on it all the time.
Best quantitative example is exercise. I track lots of cardio metrics with my gps+HR watch so I can see in real time what I am doing to my pace vs heart rate. I track my estimated 1RM for various lifts across different training programs and methodologies and have found one that produces the best results for me. My watch also tracks sleep and I’ve found that 2 drinks affects my sleep while 3 drinks wrecks my sleep.
I lifted seasonally, phasing from 3 lifts and one cardio day in the winter to 3 cardio and 1 lifting day in the summer. Each fall was a bit of a reset, jumping back in at lower weight and working my way back up.
For me 5/3/1 is where it’s at. I started with 5x5 and plateaued out pretty quick particularly on OHP but I stuck with it for 2 years. From there I tried a variant that was 3x5 and amrap sets, I forget what it was called. That was only marginally better, tried it for two years.
From there I found 5/3/1. I was able to improve my 1RM in each lift beyond what I ever hit and the best part is I still improved year over year, so it has a much more gradual plateau.