Tiny flakes of plastic, generated by the wear and tear of normal driving, eventually accumulate in the soil, in rivers and lakes, and even in our food.
Wow, now imagine what tractor tires are doing to the fields we grow our food in. Plus the exhaust and tires deposit heavy metals. I have been removed about this for years. We need drone fleets in fields and to ban tires and exhaust in fields.
I come from farmers. They are still breaking down and still an issue. They also cause soil compaction. Anyone familiar with farming understands that tractors aren't good for soil
We have all the data in the world to verify this. Yes, that we know... which in this occasion, is pretty much confirmed until proven otherwise. Claims with no evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
I wish it was pure iron dust wearing off that steel, but no. The flying drone idea seems good, but for harvesting?
Exhaust gas is poison.
The relatively high amount of metal contents emitted from diesel engines strongly suggests that the measurement on the control of metal contents in diesel fuel should be taken in the future.
As, Hg and Se exhaust emissions were dominated by fuel combustion while Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn exhaust emissions were dominated by lubricant oil combustion.