You seem to have a very one sided view on this.
Nasser and his allies knew that restarting their naval blockade would be a cause for war for Israel. They massed troops on the borders, threw out the peacekeepers overseeing the Strait and then announced they would be restarting their blockade.
So was it a certainty that the muslim coalition was going to attack Israel first? No. Would a naval blockade and enemy troops ready to cross their borders from all sides be a tenable situation for Israel? I don't know if you're familiar with the map of Israel but having 'unfriendly' troops in the West Bank creates a huge strategic problem. They chose not to take the risk and destroy or scare them away.
You're certainly right that the ultrazionists made sure not to 'miss any opportunity' when it came to the spoils of war. But it's also wrong to ignore that the opportunity to do so was largely given to them by their hostile neighbours.