Thirty-five-year-old Porsha Ngumezi’s case raises questions about how abortion bans are pressuring doctors to avoid standard care even in straightforward miscarriages.
...or are they resented every day by their parents that were forced to have them, slowly building up childhood trauma that, by all studies on the topic, will never be resolved and will always plague them?
...or are they forced into the already-overburdened foster system, where children are regularly abused and neglected? Oh, and just to be clear, you're aware that Texas has among the most crowded systems in the country, right?
Ohhhh sorry, I forgot you're all just pro-birth instead of pro-life.
They're indirectly advocating for classism and suggesting that the "undesirables" aren't worthy of life, and/or can't attain personal or economic value.
It's really fucking weird when you think about it. Like, pick a lane.
It's weird, to be sure, and maybe I'm being pedantic, but genocide refers specifically to genetics and that doesn't seem to be why most of the people here support abortion. Pro-abortion arguments are usually ageist or ableist rather than genocidal.