The claims made in a 'duty to warn' letter addressed to presidential nominee Kamala Harris are - according to our research - misleading.
Sorry, but this is standard journalistic practice. The sentence is correct english, even in its unedited form, albeit in the same way that buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo is correct english.
I do think it's a practice that needs to be reconsidered in the interest of making journalism more accessible to everyone, but for now you just gotta learn how to read it.
Have to disagree with you here. I'm not a journalist, but I read easily digestible headlines all day. I had to go back and carefully parse this sentence one word at a time. It's just a bad headline.
Nope sorry. The style, in the case of this sentence & that famous Buffalo cow-pie, has pushed both sentences beyond people’s ability to understand it without additional processing time. Therefore the style is bad, and should feel bad.
That journalistic style is really only to lower word count anyway, so that headlines could fit onto printed newspaper pages, & maybe to save on ink. I don’t fuckin’ care about a 100 year old practice, nor the editors who sacrificed my understanding so that they could save a buck or 5 seconds. I care about understanding a goddamn sentence.
Yes, it's almost like I said exactly the same thing in my second paragraph.
But the reality is that it is the standard practice right now, and no matter how much you and I may agree that it needs to be reconsidered, your current options are a) Learn how to read it, or b) Throw a tantrum like a big baby and refuse to ever engage with any mainstream journalism until industry practices change.
The whole article does read as a google translate from another language. Is so hard to follow. Still the article only cites Spoonamore had wrong numbers cause later came more accurate ones. It does not address the main issue that the bullet votes are higher than other elections.
Still I'm taking everyone involved with a grain of salt.I guess that sadly we'll never know the truth.