I saw a TMobile ad the other night offering 4 "free" iPhones and I'm like... "WTF do I need 3 extra phones for? Just give me a fair deal on ONE phone."
Not that Iâm sticking up for T-mo, but how is that crazy? I have a grandfathered plan with discounts and it was $100 a month (taxes & fees included) for 2 people years ago, and it was the cheapest of the major carriers.
My SO and I have been on MVNOs for years. Neither of us use a ton of data since we're either at work (either use work wifi on phone or work computer), at home (home wifi), or driving. I use <1GB data (web browsing, random app stuff), and my SO uses <4GB (Instagram/YouTube while exercising outside). I'm on Tello and spend <$10/month, and my SO is on Mint for $15/month (yearly plan w/ 5GB data), and that's plenty for us, and we almost never hit our data caps.
We spend $25 total for two lines. I'd have to get 4 lines w/ the major carriers to get anywhere near that price per line, much less total. I have three kids (all too young for phones), and I could get them all basic lines for less than a single line at a major carrier. In fact, I've thought about getting an extra line just because, which would cost $6/month if I forego the data plan (or 7/month for 1GB data).
To me, priority data isn't worth the cost, especially since it's something like triple our current cost. Maybe I'll care when my kids are old enough to have phones, but for now, there's no way I'm spending that much just to have a little faster data.