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China-Slovakia relations elevated to strategic partnership China-Slovakia relations elevated to strategic partnership - Friends of Socialist China

Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Robert Fico paid an official visit to China, October 31-November 5. He met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on November 1. Noting that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Slovakia, Xi said that aft...


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  • Look at a map sometime and learn a bit of history. Finland borders a very difficult forested terrain, and Russia has never been invaded through Finland. However, Russia has been invaded multiple times through Ukraine.

    • Yeah, absolutely no invasions going over these forests whatsoever, apart for say these;

      But I guess it's only an invasion and imperialism if it happens to Russia?

      Oh, and most effective ones against Russia itself? Never bothered with Ukraine;–Russian_War_(1609–1618)

      Even for nazis Ukraine was one of three axis of attack, but they never reached as far as the earlier two, partially due to the massive distances over the steppes.

      So the fuck you talking about? Especially claiming to know any of the history of the region? Kiev Rus? Yeah, Moscow basically did not exist when it was at it's height of power ffs. If you bothered to learn any history every surrounding country, including China, considers them a imperialist dangerous neighbor willing to invade given any chance, and always working toward that. With the small difference China is probably already marking Siberia as it's territory nowdays.

      And obviously you're pretending that neither has the technology changed, and obviously 1000km of steppe is the best possible approach, since aircraft, drones, satellites and tactical missiles of nukes are not an option... This NATO bullshit was clearly checked when Scandinavians joined, Královec by the Baltic is now surrounded by it, borders extended in a tarain much harder to secure, a key new possible lifeline for Russian economy is threatened by Finish and Norwegian proximity, but no, somehow Ukraine would be a threat, and that's why the fighting focuses not on a direction of capital, but on the resource rich areas. How can you be so blind?

      • Maybe should read the wiki links you're spamming? 😂

        What I'm talking about, is that Ukraine is a big wide open steppe through which majority of the invading forces attack. The fact that you can't understand this really is phenomenal.

        And obviously you’re pretending that neither has the technology changed, and obviously 1000km of steppe is the best possible approach, since aircraft, drones, satellites and tactical missiles of nukes are not an option

        And obviously you're ignorant of how actual warfare works given then you think you can win a war without ground invasion. You're like a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect.

        • Out of 2 forces that reached Moscow, which one went through Ukraine?

          BTW another pro-peace undertaking of Russia:

          • Oh look, the same clown who's cheering for Ukrainians to keep dying in a senseless war pretends to give a fuck about people in Sudan. You ain't fooling anybody.

            • Out of 2 forces that reached Moscow, which one went through Ukraine?

              • Out of 2 brain calls you have available which one did you use to write that reply?

                • You'd do anything not to accept the fact, that your argument is absolute bullshit, wouldn't you?

                  Poles raided Moscow, and set their Czar btw, going straight through current day Belarus. So did the French reach it. So attempted the Germans. The argument of Ukraine being needed for that has no basis neither in history nor modern warfare.

                  • It's obvious that you're not interested in honest or rational discussion here and just keep deflecting. I love how you think you're being clever while being utterly transparent.

                    • What's "deflecting" about giving you very simple, clear historical evidence your argument is invalid?

                      • your reply had fuck all to do with the comment you replied to

                        Oh look, the same clown who’s cheering for Ukrainians to keep dying in a senseless war pretends to give a fuck about people in Sudan. You ain’t fooling anybody.

                        Faced with the fact that you don't actually give a shit about other people, you simply hop on to a different topic like the clown that you are.