I might be tempted to try turning on 'fuzzy skin' printing above a layer height, for Prusaslicer, if you have a fairly large gap and wide skin thickness it can create an almost-open-weave to it. I used that for some grow baskets for aeroponic racks as well as a lamp shade. The trick there is to print in spiral mode as well.
but I think given the bottom profile, it would have to be done in separate parts- a cylinder for the actual filter, and a cap on either end. ( you can also turn on a skirt for adhesion, which is also useful as a flange for securing it into a cap. basically, there's a recess that it fits in, then a threaded ring screws into that recess.)
edit: here's a screen grab of a quick mock up in prusa.... using a calibration cube (20x20x50mm) using a layer height change to turn off perimeters, infill and turn on fuzzy skin with a point-distance of .6 and a tickness of 1mm. (default .4mm nozzle. yes, that makes a difference on the skin.) It creates a realtively 'open' structure where the layers intersect somewhat randomly while jogging back and forth (think of it as being like a wicker basket,)
it's important to remember when replicating things that they don't have to be necessarily exactly what your replacing. really it just needs to fit in the same space and do the same job.