Whoever the people are that got their comments published on page 33 and 34 deserve a special flair (does Lemmy have those?)
Also, it's so funny how the authors keep calling the Communist Party of China the CCP instead of the CPC. For table 10 they had to switch between these keywords because the tankies community is the only one that can get the acronym right LMAO
I almost appreciate the CCP/CPC thing, because it gives me a shorthand as to know whether the upcoming argument will have any merit or just be bullshit.
I still look at their actual argument on their merits, but 95% of the time it has gone exactly the way I expected.
Oh yeah, we use the cHinESe gOveRnMenT's PrEFeRrEd nOmeNClaTurE, so we're misaligned. What a joke. It'd be like calling the USA the AUS and insisting that everyone who gets it right has been manipulated by the US government. Sorry, the SU government.
The funny thing is i can't read Chinese but this is one of the few expressions i have learned to recognize and know how to pronounce (still can't write it though, i need to practice that sometime). Guess that makes me "brainwashed by the CCP".
I’ve studied Japanese so it’s kind of cheating that it looks obvious to me what it’s supposed to mean without studying Chinese. Don’t ask me to pronounce it the Chinese way though :P
As an aside, it’s interesting to note the different simplifications:
Traditional Chinese: 中國共產黨
Japanese: 中国共産党
Simplified Chinese: 中国共产党