Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich endorsed President-elect Donald Trump’s victory, stating it’s “time” to extend full Israeli sovereignty over the occupied West Bank.
This comes as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu highlighted his alignment with Trump on the “Iranian threat.”
Tensions in Gaza and Lebanon have escalated following recent Israeli airstrikes, with regional leaders gathering in Riyadh to address Israeli actions.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog is set to meet President Biden, though Biden’s influence on Israel may be limited following Trump’s win.
ITT there's a lot of people unwilling to accept the Democrats didn't prove their case. They didn't convince the Arabs they would be any better for Palestinians. They didn't convince unions they would be any better for them. And they certainly didn't convince anyone leaning truly left to vote for them by seeking Republican endorsements.
Look, I think Harris did the best anyone could with the cards she got dealt. But blaming the voters has never been a winning strategy.
Why does the blame go for Harris for not convincing people when it was clear to anyone paying attention that Trump was going to be worse?
This sounds like how people talk after being obviously wrong and not being able to accept being wrong.
If there are two paths and once says "Doom" and the other says nothing, only a fool picks the marked path. Only a fool who cannot accept responsibility blames the unmarked path for not being clearly marked "NOT Doom"
When one person says they are going to do bad shit, it's not on the other side to convince you they wont also do bad shit. The person assuming the one not talking who to doing bad shit will do it away because reasons is the problem. There is no one to blame but themselves. They will be a tool until they seize their agency and make an informed decision.
That's the thing though. In regards to Gaza both paths were marked "Doom". With regards to the left, courting actual Republicans clearly marked both paths "Conservative".
Your analogy depends on your point of view being everyone's point of view. This is a fundamental failing of the democrats this year. They again acted like they were the only obvious choice and nobody could possibly have a legitimate opinion otherwise.
If you ignore voters and let party elders call them Russian agents then it's not exactly rocket science that they aren't going to vote for you.
Fine one says "more doom" and the other says "less doom" and you picked more doom because it didn't quantified how much less.
The point is you picked more doom well. Blaming the signage being inadequate. The sign was clear to anyone that hadn't shoved their head up their own ass.
There were two paths. One path was the dems, who I'll be the first to admit, not doing a great job with Gaza. The other, was Trump, who is buddies with Israel's prime minister to a first name basis, moved the embassy to Jerusalem specifically in support for Israel over all others and has proven to have nothing but disdain for anyone else in the region.
I'm sure the people in Gaza hearing the guy who is actively excited about their deaths really appreciate those who didn't vote "showing the dems" to swap out people at least attempting peace talks.
And frankly not voting to prove a point is like fucking for virginity. All you do is tell the politicians that have an interest against you they don't have to worry about you, you won't vote against them either.
None of that makes sense. If the Dems are just greenlighting everything anyways, what's the point for someone who cares about Gaza?
If the Dems are taking victory laps on a failed economy, what's the point for a working class family?
If the Dems are actively courting the conservative family members of war criminals who lied to us to kill 4,000 Americans, what's the point for antiwar activists?
There is not two paths when the Democrats are acting like this.
Dems have been going for peace talks. Again, not great, but bout to find out what greenlighting everything really looks like.
Failed economy, inflation was across the world, the US came out of it better in this administration than the others. Dems were pushing to get money for first time homeowners to try to get houses, get minimum wage raised, and to dial back student loans. The Republican House had blocked every step of the way but the movement went. Instead we got the guy who is buddy buddy and wants to put in the place to deal with government spending the guy who's a union buster and wants to kill paid overtime.
The conservative family members. I got no answers, like holy shit the worst commendation you can get is from Dick Cheney.
But all of the above is put best "A vote is not a valentine, you're not professing your love for the candidate. It's a chess move for the world you want to live in." Whelp, the move made was to put us into checkmate. Hope you like the Republican ideals, because if MAGAs can be dug out of the other branches of government, if the US continues as it always has and the scales don't completely fail, we're still going to have an ultra-conservative Supreme Court for what is likely the rest of our lives.
Going for peace talks? They fully supported Netanyahu's every move. Biden said the word peace and sent bombs that are literally nicknamed block busters.
If the Republicans are blocking economic reform then that's the message, not one of victory and whining that people just don't get it. All the average person heard was how proud Biden was of the economy. Meanwhile the working class is drowning in an affordability crisis.
The chess moves must at least be moving in the correct direction. Or in the Bus analogy, you don't get on a bus to hell just because they're both going there.
Whelp, either way, got what you wanted, dems lost. Hope your high minded ideals on sitting aside helps us not be on the bus to hell, because you're still living here and the consequences aren't going to walk past you and yours with "Oh, you didn't vote? A'ight, you get to sit this thing out."
The people who didn't vote aren't dumb. They either don't believe they're in an impacted group, or don't believe the Democrats would be meaningfully better. It's really that simple.
I agree with everything you're saying except for this part. A lot of voters are very dumb (they mostly voted for Trump and he is planning tariffs that will tank the economy, including for them, for example). But, the Democrats also need to adapt to the voter base and the issues they care about. I think both things can be true lol.
That really depends on how we mean dumb. I just mean generally. But yes in the way that we're all dumb about things we don't educate ourselves on, voters are generally pretty dumb on politics. They vote mostly based on messaging and vibe. But they aren't dumb in the way that you could lie to them about how the economy is currently affecting their life. And Biden was either so detached from the common person he didn't understand the problem, or he tried to gaslight the public.
And that's where I'm in constant disagreement. If this was a minor situation, I'd be probably more chill about it all, but the whole not thinking they're going to be in an impacted group is a thing because the groups that will not be impacted in this is so small.
Have coworker who just realized his being on his dad's insurance is because of ACA. Have a coworker who was complaining about price of soybeans because his family was in that, that was Trumps last trade war with China and he's wanting to start a bigger one. The Republicans wanting to deregulate most industries will affect internet, food, unions, etc.
The things people complain about the democrats not standing up to the republicans have actively opposed. Been a final line in the sand for the massive sweeping social changes the conservatives have wanted to do since Nixon and Reagan.
My arguments have never been "love the democrats", it was "we just tossed the foxes into the henhouse."
I'm sorry was Richard Spencer on the ballot? How far does this transitive property go? Is the entire family of the voter now Nazis too? After all they have to sit at the table with the person and we know what you all say about sitting at tables with Nazis.
Oh I don't like Nazis either. But his political campaign isn't built on Hitler's. It's a pretty stock modern campaign that had better messaging than the Democrats. And before you accuse me of liking his messaging, he won the election. So it was better messaging.
Calling everyone who doesn't vote for the Democrats a Nazi just isn't a winning message. That may seem weird to you but all everyone else hears is that you don't know what a Nazi is, and you're just throwing a word around.
Especially this new transitive power of being a Nazi by doing nothing. Even in the aftermath of World War 2 you weren't considered a Nazi without a party number. By the time you're done accusing people of being Nazis by the transitive power, everyone, yourself included, will be a Nazi. After all, you might accidentally sit at a table with one and then poof, you magically get an evil fashion sense.
So now not only do we have to vote, we also have to guess which one is the correct one with no communication.
And you say there's not a transitive power here but you keep describing a transitive power. Oh and you've called for violence against people who just want to be left alone.
You're really racking up the motivations for voting.