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blockheadjt Nonblacks have never had an n-word pass. It's never ok.
20 7 ReplyFooBarrington Actually my cousin's friend Jeremy gave me a one-time pass as long as I don't tell his mom he threw rocks into Ms. Jones's garden, but aside from that I agree.
29 1 ReplyMs. ArmoredThirteen Did your cousin's friend Jeremy offer it unprompted or did you ask for that?
5 0 ReplyFooBarrington It was unprompted, though technically you could describe it as "under duress", your honor.
7 0 Reply
DragonTypeWyvern Fun Fact: The n-word was used against anyone with dark enough skin, including Latinos, Indians, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
It's kind of wild as a modern American reading people like Rudyard Kipling and having him just drop a casual n-word about Indians, honestly.
3 0 ReplyDefault_Defect
I've heard it said in person more by hispanics and pacific islanders than I've heard it from black or white people.
2 0 Replyblockheadjt People saying it does not mean they have a pass.
2 0 ReplyDefault_Defect
They sure seem to think they have one.
2 0 Replyblockheadjt What they think is irrelevant and you know it.
1 0 ReplyDefault_Defect
Yeah, and? I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm just saying that it happens. No one ever seems to call out non-whites for saying it, so they'll continue to.
1 0 Reply
Ginny [they/she] I'm given to understand that Quentin Tarantino was given one by Samuel L Jackson, personally.
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