Sorry, I'm a latino, Mexicano, living in México, so I don't really have the slightest idea of how did this happen. Can someone give it a try?
EDIT: While I appreciate all of your replies, I'm even more confused as I see people mentioning "hispanic americans" as a synonym for "latino". This was an interesting read about the confusion. However, the reasons seem to be addressed against Hispanic Americans, but the meme os against Latinos. It feels a bit artificial or even prejudicial. Sorry for this edit, I'm not really sure about what I'm trying to say.
Hispanic Americans are overwhelmingly working class, and (unlikely black people) don't see themselves as a single unified minority group, so they don't feel the sting of Republican racism pointed towards them.
Why doesn't working class matter? Because such people generally aren't as involved in following politics and policy type stuff as white collar folks. So they are swayed by other factors like masculinity signalling. This is obviously why Trump added Hulk Hogan, and of course standing up and pumping his fist after getting nicked in the ear by a terrible sniper helped too.
Because such people generally aren't as involved in following politics and policy type stuff as white collar folks. So they are swayed by other factors like masculinity signalling.
If only there was a party that had education about policies part of their ideology.
Mexico has been a tidal wave of leftist political energy. Its so funny to hear Mayo Americans complain about electing one of their own, after they turned out in droves for him.
I was a never Trump. It was a minor miracle that we got Biden to step down. I accepted that Harris was the best we could do. I kept my mouth shut when she said she was pro fraking. I kept my mouth shut when she didn't condemn Israel. I kept my mouth shut when she cozied up to Dick and Liz Cheney. Harris and the DNC have lost the fucking plot and if she went off script on the Rogan show and offered her true opinions that would have been inspirational. Fuck, even Obama's very active endorsement couldn't save her.
The problem Is that he is a dipshit a lot of people listen to. And Kamala had a chance to reach those people and try to change their ideas or at least make them aware of her ideas, but she refused so they never had a chance to begin with
Democrats running Clinton in 2016 - is the real problem. If Biden had run back then he would have likely won and Trump would never have tried again after that. He would've been humiliated.
this is the preachy rhetoric that got Trump elected.
as a voter - i don't give 2 shits if president is a man or a woman, I want the most qualified person who will give me the most of my interests.
most people would get extremely annoyed when they are told to vote for a woman in order to be considered "mature". wtf. seriously?
she was a weak candidate, couldn't talk and offered nothing for the working class
Clinton in 1992 buddy.
It's neo liberalism all the way down.
Neo liberalism is Reaganomics but for Democrats and Obama ran his entire 8 years on it.
Biden at least did a little bit of progressive things before Manchin and Sienema threw their clogs into the gears. They should have been threatened to be primaried THEN. Not after holding the Senate hostage until the midterms flipped the house.
The Democratic campaign underestimated just how stupid, racist, and misogynistic the average US citzen is. Don't get me wrong, they should've known and definitely could've ran a better campaign, but this is mostly on Americans being too dumb to know what's best for them.
I personally don't blame any minorities, considering white men and women were by far the most prominent Trump voters. The US is a country of racist dumbasses.
Yeah there would've been no defending this if it happened. Rogan controls the mics and would do whatever he could to end her campaign right there. Maga would post all over X (with Elon's amplification) that she got "owned" as Rogan shouted over her her, and the left would be angry that she appeared on his show in the first place. It would have been a pure loss.
Who gives a damn, it's Republican listeners base is what is important.
She can't handle those high pressure meetings makes her a bad candidate. I mean the whole reason she was even running is Biden assigned her by decree, she would have never won in the fair primaries and that's what Democrats should have done.
I did listen and while Rogan is unbearable to me, I do think a presidential candidate can't say no to an invitation to someone with this reach. If the interview were to be like your link, that would have helped Harris in the end, in my opinion. It's Joe Rogan the one acting like an idiot here, not the caller. Even if his audience may love him, I don't know, the population that do not have any attachment for the guy would stand on Harris' side.
So what? It's 3 hours, I'm sure she would have been able to get something out.
Rogan is not stupid, he understands the difference between random lady and a potencial commander in chief .
She should have gone to Infowars while she's at it, I'm not joking. Step out of your comfort zone and reach the audience you don't typically reach.
He does this yelling stunts to entertain his audience. They like that, - that's the format.
It's not stupid on his end - clearly he makes millions from it.
Raw Republican audience she could have easily reached and talked about things they care about - jobs, working class needs.
Joe Rogan didn't believe in the moon landing. In that clip above, he believed stupid internet bullshit over an actual scientist. On top of that, he's an antivaxxer.
There are so many examples of stupid shit Joe Rogan has said.
Imo he's just pandering to his base, doesn't make him dumb, makes his base dumb.
Besides what Rogan and Alex Jones believe into is none of my problem. It's just a way to get to their audiences.
All I'm saying Kamala should have went to the show and prepped talking points and talked about issues important to the largest demographic: working people.
With you on the first line, but sitting down with Rogan would not have changed anything. Especially with Rogans preferential treatment of right wing figures if anyone's been paying attention. But the DNC 100% fucked up.
That was staged, he never actually worked at all. Harris had actually been an employee there previously. No idea why the campaign didn't take that obvious win, but to call it a smart stunt for Trump is asinine
Ofc it was staged for many reasons such as security.
And guess what - none of it matters. His supporters not gonna investigate that, they saw a picture that improved his standing with the working class and it worked.
How many Latino votes he pulled just by frying fries?
Ffs Kamala could have done similar stunt - worked in a fake soup kitchen, or something
If your vote was won by a guy pretending to make fries when he specifically says he wants to deport people like you, you're a walking argument against democracy as a concept
She offered nothing for working class and then refused to sit down with Rogan.
One of these is unforgiveable. But also, after liberals went absolutely apeshit over Bernie sitting down with Rogan, I can see why Harris was hesitant.
I also remember when people were very excited about student debt relief and an increased min wage and the Green New Deal jobs program and finally putting an end to Kids In Cages and Gitmo and the ugly foreign wars and... Oops.
But also, after liberals went absolutely apeshit over Bernie sitting down with Rogan, I can see why Harris was hesitant.
She did literally every other thing she could to court Republicans in the past two months and didn't care that it pissed off a chunk of her base, why stop there? (OTOH it won her zero R votes, so there's that. I'm sure they won't try THAT tactic again. /s)