Just the zoomers with brain rot. Black voters went from like 90% to 80% Democrats.
You're probably confused because some headline said Trump doubled his support among black men and it didn't mention the baseline was 15%. Which is, ya know, fucking stupid of them in the first place but it is what it is.
The shift is kind of what's important. Actual black woman Kamala Harris couldn't maintain the same level of support among black voters as Joe "You Ain't Black" Biden. There are some pretty severe flaws in Harris's campaign strategy that we need to study and rectify in the next four years.
I'm not a political scientist, so these words carry no weight. That being said, she needed to convince people to vote for her, but she spent her whole campaign trying to convince people not to vote Trump. She needed stronger policy proposals. She needed to run on something like Medicare for all or raising the minimum wage. Ignore Trump entirely, and convince people to vote for her.
Instead, she promised more of the same that we've had for the last four years, in a time when most people are struggling more than they have in their entire lives. To the majority of voters, any change is perceived as an improvement, even if it's a profoundly removed change like introducing 100% tariffs on every import.
Anyone who was not voting against Trump by default shouldnt be voting at all.
They didn't vote, and that's why we lost. We can absolutely blame her for not knowing what the landscape was like. Her goal was to win an election, not make her supporters feel good and smart and special. The people who don't vote for us by default are actually the exact people that we need to persuade to vote for us
If she was campaigning based on how the world should work instead of how the world works then she wasn't playing by the rules of the game, and that's her fault, no one else's. It's like complaining about the EC after an election. The EC is part of the game. Part of the mechanics, part of the rules. If you know it's there going into the game, you ought to be playing a very different game than someone who doesn't know it exists.
(The EC should be removed, to be clear, but you don't run a presidential election pretending it's not there, and you don't run a presidential election you want to win without expecting to sell voters on yourself by some metric other than not being your opponent.)
And yes, since it seems you have to say this as part of every such comment now, I voted for her. But she and her campaign are absolutely not blameless in this outcome.