I can't give a definitive yes/no answer to that. On the one hand, it's much hotter in Elsass then back in Denmark. On the other hand, I've been to some interesting places such as Hohkönigsburg and Der Lingekopf
The responsibility of the authorities in Rome, Fiume and Dalmatia lies in their decision to send back the refugees, knowing full well the tragic fate awaiting the Jews who were handed over to the Croats. Italian military authorities described the Jasenovac concentration camp as follows:
[B]ehind wire-netting, filthy and in wooden barracks, were thousands of prisoners … clad in the barest minimum to hide their nudity, deprived of clothing and provisions, their conditions were utterly miserable, bestial even … hygiene was terrible … the camp was without sanitation, the sick were not cared for … The concentration camps of Dachau and Buchenwald are tragically famous. Individuals from these German camps affirm that compared with Jasenovac they were almost comfortable.