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Teens Want Less Sex in Movies and TV Shows, Study Finds Teens Want Less Sex in Movies and TV Shows, Study Finds

Teens prefer movies and shows about friendship and don't feel that entertainment needs so much sex, according to a UCLA report.

Teens Want Less Sex in Movies and TV Shows, Study Finds

I am not a teen.


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  • It wasn't a sex scene in the case of the first episode of GoT.

    I don't have a problem with a sex scene. Especially if it serves the plot.

    I literally said so at the beginning of this comment chain:

    I have no problem with sex scenes and nudity in films where they make sense. Basic Instinct wouldn’t make sense without them. Last Tango in Paris wouldn’t make sense without them. They’re both movies worth watching.

    • Yeah I understand that and agree that most sex scenes are unnecessary. And I am talking about movies and TV shows that are considered some of the greatest media ever created, that might happen to have unnecessary sex in it. I'm not going to arbitrarily limit myself and miss out on watching that stuff because there might be 90 seconds (of a 2+ hour film) of unnecessary sex. Again, because I'm an adult.

      Using your example, you are missing out on one of the best stories ever told on television (until the last season at least), because the first episode of the show had sex in it that you found to be unnecessary (and btw, while most of the sex in that show is unnecessary, there is at least one or two *very important" sex scenes in season 1 that one might not recognize as being important... Yet).

      As someone who read the books, I was able to tell which sex scenes were important, and which weren't, but not all of it is unnecessary.

      I understand your position, I just think it's silly (and kind of sad).

      • And, as I said, you might be missing out on one of the best stories ever told on television for some other reason, what with "one of the best stories ever told" being a very subjective measure. I often disagree with things that people consider to be the "greatest ever" when it comes to movies and TV. As someone who is only mildly interested in high fantasy, I doubt it would have ever elevated it to that level for me.

        I was told that Breaking Bad was the greatest ever. I watched more than the first episode. I didn't like it. I don't like shows where everyone is irredeemably awful.

        • I may miss out on things, but it will only be because I wasn't aware of it. I wouldn't do something to arbitrarily limit my exposure to those things because someone has sex in it. Because I'm an adult.

          • I watched an episode. I didn't like it. I stopped and watched something else. I'm not sure what the big deal here is aside from you not accepting that I just wasn't interested in something you like.

            Why should I keep watching a show I don't like when there are show for me to watch that I do like just because it's a popular show? I have never cared about what is popular and never will.

            • Do what you want, I'm just pointing out why I think it's silly.

              I also think giving up on a show that is considered one of the greatest of all time, after a single episode, is foolish. Regardless if the reason was sex or not.

              I guess I just have more interest in finding and watching classic films and shows. I also have enough free time to watch pretty much everything that I want (plus more).

              • I'm going to upset you more by listing a bunch of other "greatest shows of all time" that I didn't like and I wasted far much more time with them. Just taking a look at some 'best shows of all time' lists...

                Breaking Bad
                The Sopranos
                House of Cards
                The Wire
                Squid Game
                BoJack Horseman
                Curb Your Enthusiasm
                Twin Peaks
                The Americans
                Mad Men

                I don't care if you or anyone else liked them. I didn't. I clearly have different entertainment needs than the people who like the "greatest shows of all time." I could go through each one and explain to you why I don't like them or you could accept that what I consider entertaining does not often include the "greatest shows of all time."

                I'm guessing some of the shows I consider to be the greatest of all time you haven't even heard of, or if you had, you didn't agree. Just looking at my hard drive and restricting it to American shows that are less well-known or less-recent:

                Mystery Science Theater 3000
                Food Party
                Fishing with John
                The Adventures of Pete and Pete
                Northern Exposure
                Odyssey 5
                The first live-action version of The Tick
                Police Squad
                It's Garry Shandling's Show

                I would watch any of those over the list of shows above. And, as I said, that's only American shows. I can list so many more British ones. And then we get into animation...

                • Who's upset?

                  And just FYI as soon as I saw that you were trying to do some "look at how different I am than everyone else" list, I stopped reading.

                  Edit: Until I saw mst3k and had to see what the context for that was... LOLOL yeah I've never heard of any of those super obscure shows like The Adventures of Pete and Pete hahahaha. My guy, you know nothing about me.

                  Btw we're all super impressed though

                  • I'm not different from everyone else. Lots of people really love those shows that I listed. Mystery Science Theater 3000 won a Peabody Award and had one of the all-time record Kickstarters for a reboot because it was so beloved. Northern Exposure won multiple Emmys. Let me guess, I'm also "different from everyone else" because I consider the apex of TV to be Star Trek.

                    I'm trying to explain to you that not everyone shares your tastes, but you seem to be unable to fathom that. You also seem to be under the hilarious impression that you've heard of every great TV show out there because only someone who wanted to show how different they were might love a show you didn't.

                    So fine, anyone who doesn't consider the exact same TV shows you do to be the greatest one ever is a fool, a monster and lower than pond scum. Glad we've established that and can all move on with our lives.