After adjusting for inflation, wages are higher than at any point in U.S. history, and after adjusting for age and sex, the percentage of the population that is employed is around its peak in U.S. history.
Yeah... This is an intentionally misleading study by a neoliberal think-tank that takes money from major anti-union corpos, the MIC, and investment bankers. Trying to sweep half a century of workers losing out behind fudged numbers to make it seem like wealth and income inequality, not to mention unfettered price-gouging isn't the problem that reality says it is.
George Bush Jr. took the DOJ's win in that case and basically let Microsoft off the hook.
Having said that, the fact that they were being prosecuted did limit their behaviour, and it's why the FAANG companies were so successful. Now, we need a new round of antitrust to defang the FAANGs.
Absolutely. We need anti-trust laws to be un-Borked among other anti-monopolist measures. Not as a way to workaround the shortcomings of unfettered capitalism but because it's the right thing for humanity.