As non-american I agree you guys should definitely vote Harris, despite Dems being terrible Trump would absolutely be worse on each topic Dems are bad. That being said, rethoric of this post is straight up facist. Using threats of personal consequences for "wrongly" exercising ones right to vote is wild.
I've been seeing that term pop up a lot now lately but it's pretty much universally been extreme left people crying that their views aren't popular enough to be mainstream.
But I agree, the rhetoric in the op is not what we should want to be
It sounded like a treat with the very personal "we" and "you". But calling it fascist is a bit too much. Fascism is a right wing mass movement for when capitalism goes down hill (usually blaming some minority for it), so it should support capitalism in it essence. I didn't get any of that from this meme.
Fascism a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
While it definitely describes Republican party as a whole, I specifically mentioned rethoric as being fascist, as in, one fascists would use. In this case I made a reference to "subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race" part as well, to lesser degree, to "forcible suppression of opposition" as threats can be seen as such. For rethoric to be pro-something it doesn't need to encapsulate all aspects of said thing, for example you can see pro-leftist rethoric mentioning workplace democracy and not including being against opression of miniorities. "Education should be free" is a leftist rethoric despite not mentioning trans genocide.
It definitely could be a right wing psy op, as someone mentioned. Dems are way too meek to go that far imo.