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FundMECFS Nah forcing workers to survive mimum wage is hard enough. Don’t force them to work at the middle of the night.
Have a “petrol station/corner shop” open for emergencies.
9 4 ReplySoulg They still have stockers and cleaning done overnight. It's just not open to customers.
16 0 Replyfuckwit_mcbumcrumble Don’t force them to work at the middle of the night.
What if they want to work in the middle of the night. I miss night shifts.
9 0 ReplyFundMECFS They’ll still be jobs hiring. Like corner stores in my example.
But I’m willing to bet big money more people are forced to work night shifts they’d rather not work, than wish they were working night shifts.
Not to mention the societal costs and burden it brings on as it heavily impacts various health risks.
2 0 Reply
Veneroso Pretty sure they're still working.
Just focused on cleaning and stocking shelves.
But at least not dealing with customers!
7 0 ReplyFundMECFS Maybe in the US. Where I live basically all retail ends between 5-7pm.
1 0 Replyfuckwit_mcbumcrumble That sounds positively awful to me. If I'm home by 6, finish eating by 7 then I can't do anything at night.
3 0 ReplyFundMECFS In my culture we eat dinner more like 9pm.
Also “doing things” is usually not shopping. The abundant supermarkets next to the train stations let you do all needed errands on the way home from work.
1 0 Reply
Veneroso We really have no work-life balance in this country.
2 0 Replyshalafi 5-8 here in Florida. Some places open as late as 9, but don't count on it.
1 0 Reply
macrocarpa Shift work has been a thing forever
Not sure why retail is any different.
4 0 Reply