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H4rdStyl3z Is this a real city? If so, which one?
16 0 Replymondoman712 It's Shanghai, Yan'an Road West. You can see the front of Jing'an Temple and the adjacent mall in the distance. There's definitely some editing weirdness going on on the road in the foreground though.
23 0 ReplyRBG
Don't think its real. Look at the three identical blue windows on the front left house.
15 4 ReplyKuinox That's called a reflection.
3 4 ReplyRBG
A reflection. At this time of the year. In this part of the country. Localised entirely 3 floors down?
6 0 ReplyDoucheBagMcSwag Yes!
1 0 ReplyKuinox It's a reflection of the far away road.
1 1 Reply
ECB It definitely looks a lot like Toronto, but it's been a while since I was there
3 1 ReplyNarrativeBear Looked like Toronto to me too. Very similar design to the Gardiner Expressway going through downtown Toronto between the waterfront and CN Tower.
3 0 Reply
Avid Amoeba
Looks straight out of Toronto QEW downtown.
3 1 Replyedric It’s AI generated. Weird double lane markers and every car’s headlights and bulbs in their homes being blue.
8 7 Replymerde alors
it doesn't look ai generated. there are no "weird" details
photoManipulated maybe?
11 0 Replyedric Yeah you’re probably right, it may not be AI, but it’s definitely edited/manipulated. Some of the windows are repeated several times.
4 0 Replyyonder Yeah, I would guess that maybe multiple photographs have been stitched together to make the image alongside the color editing.
3 0 Reply
NarrativeBear I am guessing Shanghai China.
We don't need AI to design nightmares like this for us. We do it to ourselves.
8 1 ReplyKuinox That's called a lens filter (or photoshop).
Please stop calling that something is AI generated, you obviously don't know how to tell if it is.
This image was made at least before 20209 2 Replyedric Yeah I might have jumped the gun the gun by calling it AI-generated, when I was meaning to say it’s edited/manipulated. The windows repeat several times. Definitely not just a simple photo that went through some filters.
2 0 ReplyKuinox The windows repeat several times.
That's called a reflect.
A reflect of a distant light source, that's why it's extremely similar.1 3 Replyedric You mean these are reflects? Even the interiors look the same.
8 0 ReplyKuinox I was talking about the 3 blues one.
And if the image is fake, then what is it ? AI generated ?
1 1 Reply
9point6 Nah this looks pretty standard photoshopping to me. Pretty sure the colour grading is one of the standard filters in lightroom
3 1 Reply