I wouldn’t bother with Usenet unless you have the need to keep a copy of your media. I say this as a torrent and Usenet user. Generally almost all of my needs are met with real debrid and Syncler. Occasionally if something is hard to find I’ll grab a torrent, but that’s it. Debrid is so much easier and near instant. I’ve still got Usenet block accounts that I’ve had for years because I have no need for them anymore.
I've seen people talk about real debrid forever, and to this day, I've never seen any explanation of just what it is. I've looked it up, and all I found was a generic site with a signup, and the best description I've ever seen anyone use for it is "worth the money."
Edit: No, nevermind, I figured out what it was for. What I couldn't figure out that put me off was the price.
It's actually in the megathread under tools. Basically, it's a downloader service. Downloads torrents and ddl files to their servers, then you download from there.
It's definitely worth it. I had it for years and it worthed it just to stream stuff, but the functionality that let's me bypass limits of hosting sites is just a bonus. Now I don't have to sub for every damn file sharing site under the moon.