What are the best brand/types of edibles that I can get that make you want to draw/do art?
I was just wondering what the vest edibles are for motivation/creativity. Im trying to get back into drawing, Sometimes I snag a gummy that just gets me drawing for a while, but its a 1/50 chance. I really want a pack of em so that motivation is constant.
I have ADHD, so motivation is something I mentally lack. Do not tell me to make my own weed, and please don't suggest anything horrendously strong. Im not a pot head, I have a weak tolerance and I refuse to push that tolerance. Thanks.
Have you considered vaping? Either flower or concentrate, its way less harsh than smoking and smells much less. Concentrate especially, within a few minutes the smell is going to dissipate. It's also nice being able to control your dose and not having to commit to 12+ hours of being stoned, which are both issues with edibles.
Unless you're constantly exposed to a smell you aren't going to get nose blind. I don't think the smell from vaping flower or concentrate lingers long enough to actually get nose blind to it. Maybe if you vaped flower once every 15 minutes for a couple of days you might get there. It's really nothing like smoke and doesn't stay in the air long or absorb into clothing the way smoke does.
Disposable vapes are crap and completely different than vaping flower or concentrate. You should avoid them, and avoid carts. If you do use them, don't try to finish every last bit because you'll start burning the wick and inhaling things you really shouldn't be putting in your lungs. They also often use distillate, which is total shit compared to real concentrate.
Would a Bong be good?? With the way it functions (I smoked a bong just twice tbh...) it looks moreso like I'd just be huffing vapor rather than straight flower. Im wondering if that would cancel out the smell
You can vape through a bong, it will reduce the smell a little. Smoking through a bong is not going to reduce smell, or not to where you can notice. Smoke inherently smells strongly and can blow further before dissipating. A bong is the least harmful method of smoking so if you are going to smoke that's the way to go.