What are the best brand/types of edibles that I can get that make you want to draw/do art?
I was just wondering what the vest edibles are for motivation/creativity. Im trying to get back into drawing, Sometimes I snag a gummy that just gets me drawing for a while, but its a 1/50 chance. I really want a pack of em so that motivation is constant.
I have ADHD, so motivation is something I mentally lack. Do not tell me to make my own weed, and please don't suggest anything horrendously strong. Im not a pot head, I have a weak tolerance and I refuse to push that tolerance. Thanks.
noooonononono I have a history of severe ADHD, Depression, and Tourretes. Im scared anything hallucinogenic will Permanently fuck me up, and none of my psychiatrists can really answer me honestly if its a good idea (They just tell me not to do it period cus drugs)
The longer you let the plant go, the more THC degrades into CBN which is what makes people relaxed. Sativas typically flower longer and take longer for the THC to degrade, so sativas typically lead to a creative high.
But it’s entirely down to harvest time, and yes there is a vast difference in the effects between THC and CBN. Cloudy trichomes = THC and Amber = CBN, let a plant go until it’s 100% amber and you won’t be moving after consuming.
So to answer OP find edibles that are fully THC and avoid CBN, or find some flower that’s not too amber and make your own. Thats kinda the only options, you don’t know what type of trichomes edibles are made from, some list the CBN quantity, but not all.
The extra creativity associated with weed is largely due to the calming effects of marijuana. It's hard to be creative when your stressed, and the entirely of existing is stressful these days.
Just decide to be creative, have some weed, and relax. 😊
A lot of those effects you get from weed come from terpenes. Most studies say that these didn't carry over in edibles, so manufacturers tend to add cbn to make 'indica edibles' and if there's thcv in them it may give you a little boost and help limit the munchies.