While I have the utmost sympathy for her, if a postal worker is picking and choosing what mail is to be delivered the entire concept of the post office becomes moot.
Yeah. I have very strong political, moral, and ethical opinions.
I'm also a government employee, and those opinions disappear when I'm performing my duties. I enforce rules I find idiotic all the damn time and let people get away with bullshit that should be illegal. They're not my rules.
We're an ordered society. We elect leaders who adopt laws and ordinances. Who the hell am I to throw that out the window and instead tell people they have to follow my will.
Motherfucker I work in development. Telling someone they can't have their pool equipment pad in the side setback or that front-yard fences have to be 80% transparent isn't exactly sending them to the gas chamber.
so you're saying you're not faced with the choice handing out hundreds of fliers spreading vile hate speech incentivising violence against trans people
Government employees providing government services have to provide them to everyone. It isn't a private business where you can just refuse service because you don't like someone or their message.
What if the postal worker thinks abortion is murder. Should they be allowed to refuse to deliver mail for Planned Parenthood or the ACLU?
If a county clerk is opposed to homosexuality should they be allowed to refuse to issue a marriage license to a gay couple?