At least 20 more people were killed and 450 injured in Lebanon on Wednesday after a series of new explosions of wireless devices rocked the South, the Bekaa and the southern suburbs of Beirut, according to the Ministry of Health and the Lebanese Red Cross.
You know whats even scarier? Out of the thousands of devices produced I bet none of them have gone through proper quality control and testing (because it requires documentation, which kind of goes against the whole "covert" thing), which means the failure rates are probably through the roof. This means that there are most likely dozens of unexploded devices still around filled with plastique. This means 2 things, 1st you essentially gave away military grade explosives to uncontrolled civilians which can be harnessed and reused for other malicious purposes, and 2nd if a media illiterate civilian doesn't know to chuck their device in a tar pit, they will continue to walk around with an unexploded bomb strapped to their leg for a long time.
All in all, whoever came up with this Idea, should be gunned down in the streets like a dog. Or at least be prosecuted for every confirmed civilian death.
The Israelis are the world's largest terrorists and the world's largest cause of terrorism. I have had many 'debates' with zionists before getting permabanned off reddit who actually tried to frame Israel as a stabilizing force in the region where all the whining infantile Arabs can blame all their problems on (which they don't and never did BTW) instead of tearing each other apart for land and on religious grounds (also bullshit).
I simply pointed out how absurd their beliefs are and how utterly baseless. As you would expect, they constantly shifted the goal posts in ways that revealed the sheer depth of ignorance that they had about anything.
All in all, whoever came up with this Idea, should be gunned down in the streets like a dog. Or at least be prosecuted for every confirmed civilian death.
Biden would personally strap a medal around their neck. As would Trump… and Harris
Kill, injure and seriously disrupt the communication of Hezbollah, no matter the consequences or civilian casualties. At least this time there was a tiny bit of military assassination type logic to it, and they weren't just blatantly shooting civilians and bombing hospitals as they usually do, but they just had to trigger it during rush hour because of course they did.
Hezbollah is a legitimately elected party in Lebanon's parliament. If this had been done by an Arab nation to a Western nation, it would be the end of the fucking world. October 7 all over again. Horrific terrorism.
But seriously, Imagine all of the members of the UK labor party being injured or killed by a coordinated attack like this. Do you think people would be talking about how cool it was then?
Hezbollah is a legitimately elected party in Lebanon's parliament
"... and paramilitary group,[44][45] led since 1992 by its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah's paramilitary wing is the Jihad Council,[46] and its political wing is the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc party in the Lebanese Parliament. Its armed strength was assessed to be equivalent to that of a medium-sized army in 2016."
What's the armed strength of the UK labour party, just curious?
Hezbollah are a political party with a non-insignificant number of elected seats in Lebanon's parliament.
This is like targeting every UK Labor MP, and successfully assassinating several of them. Wonder if people would be talking about how cool it was then..