Honestly it was classical. I had a music appreciation class in high school and the teacher was incredible, ended up being a step by step historical analysis of how music changed over the years and how it’s all connected from Ancient Greece all the way to Tupac. I truly believe that there isn’t another musical genre that has the ability to capture such a wide range of emotions with such pinpoint accuracy as classical music without having to rely on any lyrics to explain what’s going on. What would the musical equivalent of falling down the steps sound like? Losing a loved one? Getting lost in the Sahara? Riding a bike through Paris in 1925? Traveling to different planets? It made me realize how limited other genres are because they’re so stuck in their own mold and can barely wiggle out of the predefined standards of what that genre requires. It doesn’t make that music any less important, but it’s interesting to think about.
Start with newer film scores that have 100% live orchestras (Zimmer and most modern film scores would be the opposite of this) and work your way backward.
John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, Danny Elfman - most these men utilize classical composition and most of their scores feature live players with small exception.
Think about why you listen to your favorite music and what meaning you get out of the music. Is it to project an image of yourself to other people so they understand you? Do you listen to stay current? What are you listening for? A beat? Dissonance? Do you have to turn the music up so loud that you can physically feel it in order to… emotionally feel it? Why? Is a whisper not as powerful as a scream? What does silence mean to you? What does sadness sound like to you? Joy? Bravery? Betrayal? Jealousy? -These were all questions my music appreciation teacher asked us.