I am not justifying the guy's actions in any way, but the article says the teens hopped the fence and walked around the property looking for the homeowner. I can certainly understand why the woman would feel threatened. It's not an excuse for anybody to just start shooting, but this feels like an extremely dumb decision on the boys' part.
The intention is to stop criminals from leaving a crime. Citizens arrests in america are a thing, and some glorify the idea.
In america, guns are tools like forks and knives. Keep em on your hip, forget they are there type of thing. Other countries would grab a bat or stick, americans grab guns. Its intimidation either way but when you mishandle a stick nothing happens.
Mishandling a firearm happens to every firearm owner at least once, and mishandling a firearm can result in unintended death and destruction.
In the US (including Colorado), citizens arrests are only legal for felonies. Last I checked hopping a fence isn’t a felony so blocking them in and waving a gun is just a multitude of gun crimes and kidnapping charges even if he didn’t shoot one of them.
I don't think a gun should be involved in the first place. Legally speaking its possible you could argue you thought they were committing a felony. Breaking and entering us a felony in most places.
Thats all just to show how awful the system is built in America.
yes, taking out your locked and loaded pistol, pointing it at someone with your finger on the trigger and it going off, in your mind, is an accidental discharge
You never point a gun at something you don't intend to shoot. There has to be a whole chain of wrong decisions for an accidental discharge to hit someone. If he had accidentally shot the ground, this wouldn't have made national news.
Everyone's arguing about how to perfectly handle a gun so you don't ever make mistakes, rather than talking about how everyone makes mistakes and that mistakes with guns are deadly.
Maybe there shouldnt be more guns than people out there.
If someone got shot, the rest of it is sort of moot, isn't it? Responding to trespassers by pulling out a gun is insane to begin with, if the trespassers aren't doing anything else to imply a threat. Blocking the trespassers from leaving the property is bad enough, but to then threaten then with a gun is horrendous in its own right. Pointing that gun at them is insane unless he intended to shoot them.
If he was shooting targets for practice and had a lapse of judgement and accidentally shot someone, sure, that is a different situation. If you knowingly and intentionally point a gun at someone and "accidentally" shoot them, I don't see how that is any different than intentionally shooting them, other than the timing of when you pull the trigger.
You are right it doesnt change that the person is shot. Guilt and sentencing are separate things. I think this person is guilty of shooting someone, but as far as punishment goes, the intention does matter.
I think the difference between our positions is that I believe pointing a loaded weapon at someone should be considered as intending to kill that person, at least until evidence and circumstance can determine otherwise. Because aiming a weapon at someone is more than just a threat that you will use it against then, it is taking physical action to prepare to use it against them.