During an MSNBC panel discussion on Donald Trump allowing himself to be influenced by far-right characters, which had a marked influence on his Tuesday night debate performance, contributor Ed Luce suggested the former president has quickly become his own worse enemy.Speaking with the hosts on "Morn...
I love how his campaign is spiraling out of control, yet every poll that comes out still has them in a statistical tie. I'd like it to spiral a little quicker please.
...What we've found for the last 10 years or so now is that when it comes to Republican candidates, and especially Trump, reality no longer matters. At all. There are 743,000 things that should have disqualified him for president. That Republicans should have noped out on, said "this is definitely not our guy". They just don't matter. For a number of reasons.
His campaign could be literally a dog shitting on a US flag. And it wouldn't change anything; he would still poll virtually the same. There are almost no actual "undecideds" leaning towards him.
At this point, it's about voter motivation and access. His guys CAN be less motivated to vote, and Harris supporters can definitely be more motivated to vote. That's where we are.
Isn't that true about all US elections? There are no "undecided" voters, just Dems and Reps and the result is always based on who can motivate their voters the most.
Also, democrats and Democrat-aligned seem to be more likely to consider other options, or to call out their leaders. Not always, and probably not even most of the time. But significantly more often.
Also, it goes in one direction. I know plenty of democrats who voted for a Republican president, but hardly any republicans that voted for a Democrat president.