The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
Really you don't need to read more than one chart:
If you vote for anyone other than Harris, you're voting for Trump:
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Beaver If Americans want a third choice support ranked choice voting
60 2 Replyjordanlund OP
^ THIS ^ - As I said elsewhere... Jesus, if ALASKA can do it...
21 1 ReplyTooManyFoods There are two states where ranked choice exists apparently. Are these the states that the third parties are spending money in? They'd be the most likely places for them to win and show they are viable in any way.
10 1 Replyjordanlund OP
I don't know the second state, Portland has it for the first time at the local level and that's turning into a clown car, I cannot WAIT to see how it works out in practice!
So far:
118 candidates running for 14 offices:
One losing union support over mass traffic violations:
Multiple being investigated by the Secretary of State for trading donations to meet matching funds thresholds:
5 1 ReplyPyroNeurosis Second state is Maine.
3 0 Reply
Red_October This is the way. It's perfectly okay to want to support a third party, but it isn't done by wasting your FPTP vote.
4 0 ReplyHubertManne yeah we need to make it less dangerous.
4 0 Replyxlash123
Or STAR voting. Or anything but FPTP.
1 0 Reply