I think a little clarification is needed. No. I don't actually think everyone there is insane. I don't care about the bans so stop trying to use that. HB enthusiasts coming here and trying to call me out achieves nothing besides proving my point
Edit: Feel free to keep trying to brigade me. It's not going to scare me to take this down
That vote was made in the Obama era. There's a 35 billion dollar funding scheme for Israel that's bin full swing.
Stopping it would require a lot of changes across multiple stratas of government and legal procedures.
... it's not as simple as "the president" or "the party" can just stop a long term international set of contracts across industries and government agencies and departments.
The video "Rules for Rulers" by YouTuber CPGGrey covers some of this.
In this case the rulers are not listening to their constituents and being extremely corrupt. Meaning their constituents should stop supporting said rulers.
it’s not as simple as “the president” or “the party” can just stop a long term international set of contracts across industries and government agencies and departments.
It is called Leahy law, and the current president is actively violating the law by sending weapons to israel which uses them to commit war crimes.
...prohibits the U.S. Department of State and Department of Defense from providing military assistance to foreign security force units that violate human rights with impunity.
But the fact that Israel is a democracy, suggests there are reprocessions, eg. Netenyahu could lose the election, and even face reprocessions from the next elected leader. So that's not acting "with impunity".
Israel has taken measures to make their genocide look considered (eg. Dropping flyers, naming bombing targets)... And to some extent, anyone wanting to claim they're acting woth impunity (although it's highly unlikely they'll ever see reprocessions) - will have similar issues to those faced at Nuremberg, where the US didn't want to invent laws to accuse them of being guilty of or having violated (as that would look like a kangaroo court, or future crime)...
...and unfortunately, due to the US having it's own patchy human rights record, they avoid being a signatatory to international courts like The Hague.
So yeah, your claim wouldn't be substantiated. It's not that simple, you may as we'll be claiming we can "reform our way our of Capitalism"..... That's a nice idea (as Leahy Law is), but they're just not practically applicable.
Which is why I directed people to the "Rules for Rulers" video (by CPG grey), because it explains these basics to Socialists who basically live in these fantasy land conceptions of politics.
Of course fantasy land conceptions get upvotes, reality checks get downvotes, it's a great system, designed to cause mental stagnation and "apathy through idealism" in the masses.
Both, it's a Netenyahu problem and it's attached to conspiracy theories around the assassination of the guy before him. The right wing captured cultural territory there that the progressive left have never been able to shift back, and it resulted in a lot of the population shifting to the right.
Of course it's impossible to prosecute the government with the largest military in the world.
That’s not where my interest lays, it lays in practical, and applicable solutions.
I don't think you are arguing with bad intentions. but the premise of playing devils advocate is about the legality of sending weapons to israel, not whether the people doing it can get away with it which is the more practical side.
Practically Biden can (and is required to) enforce Leahy law. Whether he follows the law is a different matter.
Oh, if you're just discussing things to play theoretical games, then I'm not interested. I play devils advocate to try to find practical means of intervention.