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commie so the headline that is used on the site, and the excerpt used to create the link in this thread both need some heavy caveats. without proper context, both the claims made by them are actually false.
4 0 Replyarchomrade [he/him] Without reading the paper you could interpret from it anything you wanted, I suppose.
1 2 Replycommie which seems to be the goal of both beaver and the editorial staff who posted the fluff piece that beaver linked.
4 0 Replyarchomrade [he/him] Maybe to you.... To me it seems like you're trying to post-rationalize your choice to eat meat and not a vegan diet
1 2 Replycommie we haven't said anything about my diet. i'm talking purely about the merits of the paper raised in this context.
2 0 Replyarchomrade [he/him] No you were talking about what OP seemed to be saying, and I was talking about what you seemed to be saying
1 1 Replycommie you seemed to be saying
i never made this about myself at all. i'd prefer if you didn't make tihs personal.
2 0 Replyarchomrade [he/him] I'm not trying to make this about you, i'm just trying to respond to what I think you're trying to argue that you didn't explicitly say
1 1 Replycommie I’m not trying to make this about you,
then kindly leave me out of your analysis.
2 0 Replyarchomrade [he/him] How can I leave you out of an analysis that is about something you said? You're just being ridiculous now.
1 1 Replycommie that's what i'm asking you to stop doing. stop making it personal.
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