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My wife assures me the Rush concerts we saw were the best.
I don't know any of the songs and couldn't understand a word they were singing.
I think the best I saw on my own were early Blues Traveller, just when their 2nd album came out, and a guy named Chris Smither.
After the show he was in the lobby talking and shaking hands with people. Super nice guy.
11 0 Replyneidu2 I agree with your wife. And if you weren't singing along to every word of YYZ, you're a rube.
4 0 Replyjordanlund
That would require I know the words to YYZ. :)
1 0 Replyneidu2 You already do. Trust me, look them up.
3 0 Replycynthorpe I’ll bet you know the lyrics to the only popular Eiffel 65 song ;)
2 0 Reply
0ops I missed my chance to see Rush, but I did get to see Primus covering Rush, and that was pretty dope
3 0 Reply
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