What are some good games with really awesome stories?
(With a Linux version or at least works good with Proton)
Edit: just bought disco Elysium, going to post updates in the comments when I try it tomorrow. It's on sale until tomorrow in case anyone is going to purchase it.
heed this warning though: after Disco, there is no going back; most storytelling might seem subpar or just of low quality afterwards
it's also soul crushing, existentialist and doesn't shy away from critiquing/ridiculing society and what it believes in (from a Marxist pov, though Communism itself isn't spaired either in the game, with a harsh critique only communists could write), but it's also one of the most hopeful games I've ever played at the same time
I would rly recommend a blind play through without cheating through quick saves! (aka. save scumming) A lot of decisions in the game succeed based on the probability of your stats accomplishing it. I made the mistake in my first play through and just forced everything I wanted by reloading over and over again -_-
I've owned this game for years. And I want to love it, but I've never been able to make it past the dude hanging in the tree part. Which is basically the very start of the game 😄
I bought this for my switch after watching a playthrough and can’t wait to have time to play it myself. The writing is SO GOOD and so beautiful. Belongs on my bookshelf with all the other books. Just poetry, and all kinds of themes and resonances. Top tier
For me I got so immersed in the world and character that it didn't even occur to me to save scum. This RPG is so good that I actually felt like I was living the story. The only game that ever managed to accomplish that.
My blind playthrough was great, despite or even due to mistakes made. Lost once playing sport so badly it destoyed my self-esteem, but also won a miracle 5% perception roll right at the end (although we scared it away). On my first playthrough I intentionally tried to avoid losing and I played conservatively enough for the game to start bullying me over it, which is great design.
I'm the kind of person who thinks it's hilarious how fragile the player can be where (esp. because of the class I picked). The cursed chair didn't get me but it sure made me laugh.